1 min read

What Is Data Denormalization?

Data denormalization is like keeping a toolbox where you store not only tools but also screws, nails, and other small parts attached to the tools they're commonly used with.

Data denormalization is like keeping a toolbox where you store not only tools but also screws, nails, and other small parts attached to the tools they're commonly used with. In databases, denormalization is the process of combining data to improve efficiency, even if it means having some repeated information.

In a more organized (normalized) system, you might keep all these items in separate, neatly labeled drawers. This is great for organization, but sometimes it's slower because you have to go to multiple drawers to get everything you need for a job.

Here's how denormalization works in simple terms:

  1. Speed Over Neatness: Instead of storing data in separate, related tables (like the separate drawers), denormalization combines it into larger tables. This can make retrieving the data faster because it's all in one place, even though it's a bit less neat.
  2. Convenience: It's like keeping frequently used tools and their accessories together for quick access, rather than having them stored in separate, categorized locations.
  3. Duplicate Data: This process often involves some duplication of data (like having the same type of screw in multiple toolkits), but the trade-off is that you can access what you need more quickly.
  4. Reduced Complexity: It simplifies the structure of the database, like having one big toolbox instead of several smaller, specialized ones.
  5. Performance Improvement: In some cases, especially with large and complex databases, denormalization can improve performance by reducing the need to join data from multiple tables.

In essence, data denormalization is about strategically compromising on strict organization to gain speed and efficiency in accessing and using data, similar to how arranging a workspace for convenience might mean some duplication and less categorical neatness, but allows for quicker and easier access to tools and materials.