1 min read

What Is Data Governance?

Data governance is like the rulebook or game plan for how an organization handles its data. It's all about making sure data is managed in a clear, organized, and secure way.

Data governance is like the rulebook or game plan for how an organization handles its data. It's all about making sure data is managed in a clear, organized, and secure way. Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Setting Rules: Just like how games have rules, data governance sets the rules for how data should be handled, used, and stored in an organization.
  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the data is accurate and reliable, much like making sure the ingredients in a recipe are fresh and good quality.
  3. Access Control: Determining who gets to access or use the data, similar to having a guest list for a private event.
  4. Protection: Keeping the data safe from threats, like putting valuables in a safe.
  5. Compliance: Making sure the organization is following laws and regulations about data, like adhering to traffic laws while driving.
  6. Improvement: Continuously looking for ways to manage data better, akin to a coach looking for strategies to improve a team's performance.

In essence, data governance helps an organization ensure that its data is well-managed, secure, and utilized effectively, much like how a well-organized library ensures books are well-cared for and easy to find for those who need them.